Civil Engineering

Faculty Profiles

Sr.No. Name of Staff Designation Date of Joining Qualification Nature of Association (Regular/Contractual/Adhoc)
1 Prof. R. V. Rothkar Assistant Professor 15/11/1999 M.E. (Environmental Engineering) Regular
2 Dr.Y. S. Khandekar Associate Professor 25/09/2007 PhD (Civil Engineering) Regular
3 Prof. S. P. Mahajan Assistant Professor 01/08/2008 M.Tech. (Structural Engineering) Regular
5 Dr. A. V. Tiwari Associate Professor 12/06/2014 PhD (Civil Engineering) Regular
4 Prof. R. B. Wath Assistant Professor 12/06/2014 M.Tech. (Geotechnical Engineering)Ph.D(Pursuing) Regular
6 Prof. S. M. Patil Assistant Professor 14/06/2014 M.E. (Structural Engineering) Regular
7 Prof. S.N. Kalbende Assistant Professor 01/07/2015 M.Tech.(Transportation Engineering) Regular
9 Prof. A. S. Attal Assistant Professor 27/06/2016 M.E. (Structural Engineering) Regular
8 Prof. A. A. Pande Assistant Professor 27/06/2016 M.Tech.(Construction.Engg. and Management) Regular
11 Prof. R. R. Badnakhe Assistant Professor 05/10/2021 M.Tech. (Geotechnical Engineering)Ph.D(Pursuing) Regular
12 Prof. S. D.Kaware Assistant Professor 20/06/2022 M.Tech. (Environmental Engineering) Ph.D(Pursuing) Regular
13 Prof. S. V. Kawalkar Assistant Professor 27/06/2022 M.E. (Structural Engineering), Regular
14 Prof. S. V. Sable Assistant Professor 01/08/2022 M.Tech. (Geotechnical Engineering) Regular
15 Dr. P. A. Deshmukh Assistant Professor 1/08/2023 M.E.(Geotechnical Engineering) Regular


Prof. R. V. Rothkar

Assistant Professor & Head

M.E.(Civil Engg.)

23 Years Exp.


Dr. Y. S. Khandekar

Associate Professor

M.Tech.(Env.Engg), Ph.D., Dean(Infrastructure & Utility)

Teaching Exp. 16 Years & Industry Exp. 7 Years


Prof. S. P. Mahajan

Assistant Professor

M.Tech. (Str.Engg.)

Teaching Exp. 14 Years & Industry Exp. 1 Year

Prof. A. J. Pande

Dr. A.V. Tiwari

Associate Professor

M.E. (Env.Engg),Ph.D, PGPACM.

Teaching Exp. 11 Years & Industry Exp. 1.5 Years


Prof. R. B. Wath

Assistant Professor

M.Tech. (Geot.Engg.),Ph.D(Pursuing)

8.5 years Exp.


Prof. S. M. Patil

Assistant Professor

M.E. (Stru.Engg.)

Teaching Exp. 12 Years & Industry Exp. 8 Years

Prof. A. J. Pande

Prof. S. N. Kalbende

Assistant Professor

M.Tech. (Trns.Engg)

Teaching Exp. 8.5 Years & Industry Exp. 1 Year


Prof. A. S. Attal

Assistant Professor

M.Tech. (Str.Engg.)

Teaching Exp. 13 Years & Industry Exp. 2.1 Years


Prof. A. A. Pande

Assistant Professor

M.E. (Construction.Engg. and Management )

Teaching Exp. 7.5 Years & Industry Exp. 2 Years


Prof. R. R. Badnakhe

Assistant Professor

M.Tech. (Geotechnical Engineering),Ph.D.(Pursuing)

2 Years Exp.


Prof. S. D. Kaware

Assistant Professor

M.Tech.(Environmental Engineering),Ph.D.(Pursuing)

2 Years Exp.


Prof. S.V. Kawalkar

Assistant Professor

M.Tech.(Structural Engineering)

2 Years Exp.


Prof. S.V.Sable

Assistant Professor

M.Tech.(Geotechnical Engineering)

3 Years Exp.

Prof. A. J. Pande

Dr. P. A. Deshmukh

Assistant Professor

Ph. D. (Structural Engineering)

2 Years Exp.

Technical Supporting Staff