Internal Complaint Committee

Internal Complaint Committee(ICC)

Sipna College of Engineering and Technology has been actively working towards empowering girl students, to sensitize all issues related to women (students, faculties and non-teaching women employees) and to make the college campus a safe place for girl students and faculty members. As per the guidelines of Supreme Court, UGC, Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013, an Internal Complaints Committee (Anti-Sexual Harassment Cell) has been established by the college. The Women Cell which was established to create awareness of the Women’s right and to empower Women has been merged with Internal Complaint Committee. The main objectives of this committee are as follows

  • To promote a culture of respect and equality for female gender
  • To provide an exclusive platform for women employee and girl student to air their grievances in person or writing.
  • To conduct seminars, workshops, etc. to empower them to become mentally strong and physically healthy human beings.

The ICC comprises of following committee members

Name Designation Email address Phone Numbers Associated with
Mrs. Manisha. A. Gawande Presiding Officers 8007148176 Assistant Professor, E&TC Dept.
Dr. Nikita J. Gupta Teaching Representative 9028223838 Associate Dean, III & CR
Dr.Harsha.R.Vyawahare Teaching Representative 9561584815 Associate Professor,CSE Dept.
Dr. Shirish. M. Deshpande Non-Teaching Representative 9766319200 Librarian
Ms. Sandhya P. Sasane Non-teaching Representative  8999304252 ANM
Mr. Sushant A. Patinge Ph.D. Scholar Representative 9860587615 Assistant Professor, CSE
Mrs. Sushama Bhat Joshi External Member 9422914910 Advocate
Ms. Prajal Pramod Patil UG Student Representative 9049702645 CSE Student
Mr. Harsh Atulkumar Joshi UG Student Representative 8208623579 E&TC Student