“TEJOMAY”- 220 kw+ on-grid photo-voltaic Solar Power Plant at Sipna
The institute has installed 220 KW on-grid photo-voltaic Solar Power Plant at the rooftop of the buildings.The photo-voltaic Solar Power Plant of 60 kw was installed in January 2016. TEJOMAY – Solar Power Plant was inaugurated at the brilliant hands of Hon. Shri Madanji Yerawar, Energy Minister of State. The installation was added with 100 kw in August 2017 which was further extended in December 2018 by 60 kw. This 220 kw Solar Power Plant generates 880 kw (Units) per day. Upto Dec’2018 a total of 5,00,000 kw (units) of electric energy was generated which in turn avoided the emission of 350 Tons of CO2 in the air. Thus, we have helped in keeping the mother planet greener.