Even during these stringent times of Pandemic, we have kept marching towords successful placemnts in various companies.
Our students from Department of Information Techology grabbed the opportunity to get placed in corporates as follows
1.Ms.Sakshi Sadrani
ATOS Syntel–
2.Ms.Vaishnavi Fale
We wish them every luck for their future endevaours.
Inspite of the unprecedented corona plandemic round the corner some of our technocrats have achieved appreciation by getting pivotal positions in the corporate world.
We feel very proud to announce about the placemnt of our students fro Dapartment of Computer science and Engineering as follows.
1.Ms.Rohini Agrawal–
ATOS Syntel-
2.Mr.Rushikesh Rode
3.Ms.Nikita Nawale
4.Ms.Vaishnavi Banarase
SAAMA Technology
5.Ms.Jagruti Anjankar
We wish Them Good Luck for their bright future.