Sipna College of Engineering & Technology, Amravati had recently organised Induction program on 23rd & 24th Dec 2021 for first year engineering students admitted in the academic year 2021-22 via online mode. The program was organised as per the guidelines received from AICTE, New Delhi. Dr.A.P.Thakre,Degree Program Coordinator(UG) explained the importance and need of the AICTE curriculum with respect to National Education Policy.In addition to this Dr.N.V.Shirbhate,Associate professor & Head of the Dept. Science & Humanity elaborated and explained information about the first year engineering department. All the heads of various department briefed about their departments.
Dr.Shirish Deshpande,Librarian gave an overview about the facilities available in central library.Prof.S.V.Potdar,Dean III & CR focused on the need to improve technical skills anlog with the qualification.Principal Dr.S.M.Kherde sir guided the students to utilize all the facilities and resources which are profoundly available for them in college.Dr Mukul Sutwane Deputy Director College of Engineering Pune was chief guest of the program and he congratulate the students for choosing sipna COET,Amravati as their partner for learning engineering education.
Since 2016,Sipna COET is a mentee institute of the college of college of engineering Pune and has achieved remarkable progress since last 05 years.
The Induction program was also continued on the second day, Shi Akhilesh Baitule,Director Pragati Brain Power Centre, Amravati inspired students with informative talk.Later the program was continued by Dr. N.V. Shirbhate who guided students about the various first year engineering subjects and evaluation process of the university. Dr. P.R.Malasane, Dean students affairs guided students about various extra curricular activities that are organised for the all round development of the students. He also introduced the students with different clubs and the activities that help the students for their overall grooming.
For the successful organisation of the program,associate degree program coordinators Dr.Ujwal ghate, Prof. Prem Jakhotiya,Prof. Mandar Tare,Prof. Amar Sable, Prof.Jay Karnewar took pains & efforts under the guidance of Dr. A.P.Thakare.
The program was anchored by Pro. Neha Rathi and the vote of thanks was proposed by Prof. Prem Jakhotiya.He expressed gratitude to words Hon’ble Shri Jagdishnhau Gupta, President Sipna Shikshan Prasark Mandal and Dr. S.M.Kherde, Principal Sipna C.O.E.T, Amravati for their constant encouragement and Support.